Vata Disorder And Arthritis - How Are They Connected?

Vata dosha, in Ayurveda, falls under the category of different Doshas. Dosha is a fundamental biological element that is responsible for a person’s health. What does Kerala Ayurveda has to say about it.

If one of these elements are agitated or put out of balance, the stability of the body may be disrupted. There are many Doshas like Pitta, Vata, Kapha associated with the different movements of the body. However, Vata Dosha here is primarily associated with joints and Arthritis in a person. Unbalanced Vata not only causes Arthritis and join related problems, but it can also cause flatulence, gout, nausea, fatigue, and fever.

How is Vata involved in Arthritis?

The agitation of Vata Dosha can cause severe pain and instability in the joints. If Vata Dosha goes up in a person’s body, it can cause the fluids in the joints to dry up and cause inflammation between them. This causes problems in locomotion and ultimately leads to arthritis. On the other hand, if much attention isn’t given to Kapha Dosha, it will start to reduce rapidly and can cause osteoarthritis.

Here are some of the problems that can be caused due to Vata Dosha -

Crepitus: It is the burst and crackling sound that we can hear between our fingers, every time we pop them. If Vata dosha is high, this condition advances rapidly and can cause more pain than usual.

Swelling: Swelling or Vata-Purna-Driti Sparsha means a balloon is filled with air or rather joints in this case. The joints in a person start to swell up due to unstable Vata and it feels like there is air filled in between them.

Sun: Vata is highly dependent on the sun and draws significant amount of energy through it. So, during the night time when the Vata doesn’t get the influence of the sun, it starts to aggravate rapidly. This leads to severe pain and discomfort during the night time.

Diet: Vata is also highly dependent on the kind of food we have. Having sour food may worsen the condition of the Vata and can cause pain in the joints. Having pungent, spicy and a lot of junk food can also cause Vata aggravation.

Seasons: The seasons affect the vata majorly, that is why during the monsoon season (Varsha Ritu) Vata is higher and causes excruciating pain in the knees and hips. Read more!


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