Causes and Treatment of Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by enlargement of the breast tissue in men. It occurs when there is an imbalance of the testosterone (male sex hormone) and estrogen (female sex hormone) in the body. It may a cause of embarrassment in men. Consult the Cosmetic Physicians in Safdarjung Enclave, Delhi Causes: The primary cause for this condition is an increase in the level of estrogen in comparison with testosterone in the male body. Testosterone controls male characteristics such as body hair and muscle mass. Estrogen is responsible for controlling female characteristics such as breast enlargement. Men usually produce small quantities of estrogen in their body to maintain certain sexual functions. Complications occur when estrogen levels in the male body increase too much in proportion to testosterone. The condition can be classified as follows: Gynecomastia in infants: Half of the infants are usually born with large breasts due to their mother's estrogen. The e...